When a new baby arrives, new parents are faced with many new challenges and experiences. It’s an exciting, surprising and fun time, but it can also be stressful and unsettling at times. So we’ve prepared some of the most interesting advice for new parents to help them enjoy the journey and become great parents.


Here Are 100 Funny Advice for New Parents:

1. Learn to use one hand:
You may need to do a lot of other things while holding your child, so learning to use one hand may be useful.

2. Sing children’s songs out loud:
Although you may feel bad about singing them, for your child it is one of their favorite things.

3. Wear cheap clothes:
Be prepared for a bad experience with baby contamination and vomit, so wearing cheap clothes may be better.

4. Enjoy your downtime:
Don’t miss the chance to enjoy your own downtime when your child is sleeping, it’s your chance to get new energy.

5. Take pictures of your baby:
Take cute pictures of your baby to make good memories.

6. Let your child listen to classical music:
Some studies have shown that classical music can promote your child’s intellectual and perceptual abilities.

7. Read children’s books:
Reading children’s books allows children to develop language and imagination skills.

8. Buy a good baby stroller:
When you want to take your child out, a good baby stroller is essential.

9. Find a good baby monitor:
It allows you to stay safe with your child without personally watching him or her.

10. Record your child’s important milestones:
Record your child’s important milestones, such as first rollover, first talk, first walk, etc., so you can recall these precious moments.

11. Encourage your child to laugh more:
The cuteness and joy of your child’s laughter can make you forget all your worries.

12. Keep a sense of humor:
Keeping a sense of humor can help you persevere through the tough times and make the whole process more fun.

13. Learn to make baby food:
Learn how to make nutritious baby-friendly food to make sure your child gets healthy food.

14. Enjoy the early hours:
Even if you need to get up early to feed your child, enjoy the time, watching your child smile and listening to their voice.

15. Accept help from others:
Don’t be shy about accepting help from friends and family.

16. Give your child as much love as possible:
Whenever possible, give your child as much love and care as is necessary for their growth and development.

17.Stick to breastfeeding:
Whether you are breastfeeding or formula feeding, stick to breastfeeding to make sure your child is getting enough nutrients.

18. Schedule proper sleep:
Whether it is you or your child, it is important to get the proper amount of sleep.

19. Interact with your child:
Spend time interacting with your child, which promotes their development and builds parent-child relationships.

20. Plan family activities:
Schedule some family activities so that you and your child can have fun together.

21. Develop your own hobbies:
As important as children are, don’t forget to develop your own hobbies, which can help keep your mind and body healthy.

22. Learn how to install a baby seat properly:
Installing a baby seat properly in the car can ensure your child’s safety in a traffic accident.

23. Be prepared with some techniques to bypass the usual methods:
Don’t be afraid to use some techniques that bypass the usual methods to solve problems.

24. Communicate well as a couple:
Stay in communication with your partner so that you can face the challenges of parenthood together.

25. Learn to bathe your baby:
Learn to bathe your baby and make sure your child is safe.

26. Have ongoing health checks:
Having regular health checks can help you ensure your child’s health.

27. Expose your child to nature:
Taking your child to play in parks and natural environments can give them a better understanding of the natural world.

28. Keep the room clean:
Keeping the room clean and tidy can make your child safer and more comfortable.

29. Stay calm in front of your baby:
No matter what happens, stay calm and collected in front of your baby to avoid giving them unnecessary tension and fear.

30. Learn to change your child’s diaper:
Learning to change your child’s diaper is a skill that every new parent must learn.

31. Enjoy parent-child interaction:
Have parent-child interaction with your child, which allows you to feel the unique emotions between parent and child.

32. Learn to take care of yourself:
Even though you are a new parent, don’t forget to take care of yourself, including healthy eating, exercise and relaxation.

33. Let your child try new things:
Giving your child the opportunity to try new things can help them develop interests and explore the world.

34. Talk to other new parents:
Talking to other new parents allows you to share experiences and feelings with each other, and to get support and help.

35. Keep a positive mindset:
No matter what challenges you face, keep a positive mindset and believe that you can handle them.

36. Find a daily rhythm that suits you and your child:
Finding a daily rhythm that suits you and your child can make life more orderly and stable.

37. Learn to soothe your baby:
Learning to soothe your baby when he or she is crying or irritable is a very important skill.

38. Keep a sense of humor:
Keeping a sense of humor can relieve stress and tension, as well as bring more joy to the family.

39. Build a deep parent-child relationship with your child:
Building a deep parent-child relationship with your child can provide a strong support and influence on your child’s growth and development.

40. Learn to play with your child:
Learning to play with your child can help you better understand your child and their needs.

41. Schedule appropriate outdoor activities:
Scheduling appropriate outdoor activities can expose your child to nature and promote their physical development.

42. Make some memories:
Keeping a record of your baby’s growth and making some memories can help you recall your baby’s growth.

43. Share parenting responsibilities with your partner:
Sharing parenting responsibilities with your partner can reduce one-sided burdens and stress, and enhance the bond between family members.

44. Maintain good communication:
Maintaining good communication with your partner and your child can avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts, as well as strengthen the bond between family members.

45. Make rules for your children:
Making rules for your children can help them establish good behavior and a sense of responsibility.

46. Learn to let go:
Learn to let go of your child at the right time and let them explore and learn independently.

47. Get involved as much as possible:
Being involved in your child’s development process as much as possible will allow you to better understand your child and their needs, as well as strengthen the parent-child relationship.

48. Don’t forget to give thanks and show love:
Don’t forget to give thanks and show love, which can make the relationship between family members more harmonious and warm.

49. Learn to be flexible:
Learning to be flexible with situations and challenges will allow you to better adapt to the changes and uncertainties of parenting.

50. Find support and help:
Don’t hesitate to seek support and help if needed, either from family, friends or professionals.

51. Accept imperfections:
Accepting imperfections in yourself and your child is a very important point in the parenting process.

52. Learn to prioritize your child:
Prioritize your child’s needs and interests when making decisions or plans.

53. Provide a safe and stable environment for your child:
Providing a safe and stable environment for your child will allow them to feel the warmth and security of a family.

54. Learn to handle your child’s emotions:
Learning to handle your child’s emotions can help them better manage and express their emotions.

55. Stay patient and patient:
Patience and patience are needed in parenting, which is the key to building parent-child relationships and shaping your child’s character.

56. Learn to adapt when sleep deprived:
Newborns require frequent feedings and diaper changes, resulting in new parents often being sleep deprived. Nevertheless, learn to adapt and cope.

57. Learn to deal with your child’s illness and pain:
Learning to deal with your child’s illness and pain when they are sick or feeling unwell can ease their discomfort and pain, as well as being an important step in protecting their health.

58. Provide adequate rest and sleep for your child:
Children need adequate rest and sleep, which helps promote their physical and brain development.

59. Set aside time and space for yourself:
Although parenting is a very important job, it is also important to set aside time and space for yourself to maintain your own identity and interests.

60. Provide your children with good education and upbringing:
Providing your children with good education and upbringing is an important step in laying a solid foundation for them and their future development.

61. Cultivate good habits in your children:
Cultivating good habits in your children can help them develop good behavior and lifestyle.

62. Give your child a good diet and nutrition:
Children need a good diet and nutrition, which is essential for their growth and development.

63. Encourage your child to participate in sports and physical activities:
Encouraging your child to participate in sports and physical activities can help them maintain a healthy body and a positive attitude.

64. Maintain an optimistic and positive mindset:
The parenting process will face various challenges and difficulties. Maintaining an optimistic and positive mindset can help you overcome difficulties and challenges.

65. Learn to express your needs and requirements appropriately:
Learning to express your needs and requirements appropriately can help you get better support and understanding.

66. Create a positive learning and growing environment for your child:
Creating a positive learning and growing environment for your child can stimulate their potential and creativity.

67. Develop your child’s social skills:
Developing your child’s social skills can help them build healthy relationships and interpersonal skills.

68. Don’t focus all your attention on your children:
Although your children are an important responsibility for you, don’t focus all your attention on them, but also on your own and your partner’s needs and emotions.

69. Learn to provide the right feedback to your child:
The right feedback can help your child build a positive sense of self-worth and confidence.

70. Build a positive self-image for your child:
Building a positive self-image can help your child develop self-confidence and self-esteem.

71. Learn to let go and let your child try things on his or her own:
Appropriate letting go allows your child to try things on his or her own and learn independence.

72. Provide your child with appropriate challenges and opportunities:
Providing your child with appropriate challenges and opportunities can help them continue to grow and develop.

73. Learn to take care of your own mental health:
Taking care of your own mental health can help you deal with the stresses and challenges of parenting.

74. Learn to deal with your child’s emotional and behavioral issues:
Learning to deal with your child’s emotional and behavioral issues can help you build a better relationship with your child.

75. Give your children the right social and moral values:
Giving your children the right social and moral values can help them become moral and responsible adults.

76. Learn to let your children feel your love and support:
Letting your children feel your love and support can help them to be confident and courageous.

77. Give your children a good home environment and atmosphere:
A good home environment and atmosphere can make your children feel safe and warm.

78. Learn to co-parent with your partner:
Co-parenting with your partner can help you better cope with parenting challenges and problems.

79. Learn to teach your children to be grateful and generous:
Teaching your children to be grateful and generous can help them become loving and caring people.

80. Provide your children with a good cultural and artistic education:
A good cultural and artistic education can give your children a broader perspective and a richer imagination.

81. Learn to deal with family disputes and conflicts:
Learning to deal with family disputes and conflicts can help families maintain harmony and stability.

82. Learn to establish frank and sincere communication with children:
frank and sincere communication can build a close and trusting relationship and make children feel respected and understood.

83. Learn to balance work and family:
Balancing work and family allows you to better deal with the conflicts between work and family.

84. Learn to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude:
Maintaining an optimistic and positive attitude will allow you to better cope with challenges and stress.

85. Provide your children with good nutrition and lifestyle habits:
Good nutrition and lifestyle habits can help your children stay healthy and grow.

86. Provide your child with a safe environment and protection:
A safe environment and protection can make your child feel at ease and secure.

87. Learn to provide your child with the right life skills:
Providing your child with the right life skills will allow them to better cope with life’s challenges.

88. Provide your child with adequate sleep and rest:
Adequate sleep and rest will keep your child healthy and energized.

89. Learn to share your hobbies and interests with your children:
Sharing your hobbies and interests with your children can build a closer relationship between you.

90. Learn to praise your child appropriately:
Appropriate praise can make your child feel affirmed and encouraged to work harder.

91. Provide your child with appropriate independent space:
appropriate independent space can allow your child to have his or her own space to think and create.

92. Learn to cultivate your child’s creativity and imagination:
Cultivating your child’s creativity and imagination can make them more creative and innovative.

93. Provide good role models and role models for your children:
Good role models and role models can make your children learn the right values and behaviors in life.

94. Learn to let children learn self-management and self-control:
Letting children learn self-management and self-control will enable them to better cope with life’s challenges.

95. Provide diverse learning and development opportunities for your child:
Diverse learning and development opportunities can help your child better develop his or her interests and abilities.

96. Help your child develop social skills:
Social skills are very important for your child’s social skills and interpersonal relationships. Parents should help their children develop social skills, such as how to make friends and how to communicate with others.

97. Encourage children to participate in volunteer activities:
Volunteering can help children develop social skills and a sense of responsibility. Parents should encourage their children to participate in volunteer activities, such as joining volunteer organizations, raising money for charities, etc.

98. Teach your child how to handle money:
Money management is very important for your child’s future development. Parents should teach their children how to handle money, such as how to save, how to manage money, etc.

99. Encourage your child to try different diets:
Healthy eating is very important for your child’s body and health. Parents should encourage their children to try different diets, such as fruits, vegetables, seafood, etc.

100. Tell your child you love them every day:
Last but not least, the advice is to tell your child every day that you love them. This can help build your child’s self-esteem and confidence, as well as make them feel loved and valued.

Finally, remember that it’s all worth it. Yes, parenting is tough, but seeing your baby smile, hearing them laugh, and watching them grow is the greatest reward there is.

In conclusion, these 100 pieces of funny advice for new parents can help you keep a positive outlook and a good sense of humor during the challenging times. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, and as long as you’re doing your best, everything will turn out just fine.



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